10:16 a.m and I am on the road. Here is a picture I took of a really pretty spot I run by. The photo really doesn't do it justice. I think I did good this morning I felt strong and even though I am not sure what percentage of jogging I did on my hour and fifteen minute walk I pushed myself and surprised myself at how much I could do. I even jogged up some hills. I didn't have my beloved MIO heart rate monitor watch with me because it is malfunctioning right now and I can't believe how much I miss it. Maybe it was a good thing because I tend to obsess about my heart rate and am constantly taking my pulse. Just down the road from this spot in the picture. A loud trash truck stopped to make a pick up and a huge,chocolate lab came charging right at me as I was standing between him and what I suppose was his intended target, the beastly trash truck ,but he glanced briefly at me and I could tell what he was thinking "After I slay this dragon you're next honey. " I then did something very embarrassing, I froze on the spot,put my hands up by my ears and screamed; not a blood curdling scream, but a high pitched squeaky, stifled, scream , like I had just seen a mouse and was freaking out about it. I was saved by the gallant doggie- treat -wielding truck driver who cleverly threw the hound a cookie and therefor buying me time until the dog's owner came out and grabbed hold of her "precious. "If I had my wits about me I would have taken a picture, maybe next time. I thanked the man and for some reason apologized to the dog's owner (why not the dog too?), turned the corner and ran up the road in the lingering putrid air left behind by the trash truck I was now following,I can't complain.
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