Sunday, June 15, 2008


Today I am feeling blue. I didn't do any exercise and I ate the wrong foods. Not a good combination for me. Depression likes to grab hold of me if it can; today it got me. Everyday is a battle just to participate in life because depression is a cozy warm bed that wants me to climb in , pull the covers over my head and stay. Depression is a bully, it calls me names like loser and failure and fool. Depression is the warden of my prison and he wants me to serve out a life sentence. Depression's best friends are fear and insecurity and he often invites them to the party.When Depression wants a day off from lurking in the shadows of my mind he sends in his maven, Anxiety and she is so good at her job.She isn't subtle; she doesn't waste too much time lurking in the shadows, she usually shows up like a bolt out of the blue, boldly and swiftly taking out her target. She gets right to work and her job is to paralyse me with fear and simultaneously make me want to run away. It's hard to run away from ones self .
    I will force myself to end this post on a positive note with a quote from one of my favorite fictional optimists Anne Shirley - "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it."