At the end of a hectic and stressful week I was doing a mad rush in the grocery store. I had forgotten my list, no surprise, I don't know why I even write one out as I inevitably misplace it. Anyway, without the list I was doing what could be called the grocery store ballet, a lot of pirouetting and running up and down aisles as I remember what I needed was seven rows back, except lacking a ballerina's grace and beauty it was more of a grocery store slam dance. Ramming my cart into "end cap" displays of Little Debbie snacks and bumping into other shoppers(smile and say sorry).
Well, there I was rapidly whirling in the frozen food section when I noticed it: the Friendly's Jubilee Roll. I stopped whirling, stared and stood as frozen as the frozen food and then much to my embarrassment started to cry , I hid it of course by getting very interested in the junk in my cavernous purse. The sight of the box suddenly made me miss my Dad. When I was a kid he would bring a Jubilee Roll home usually before Christmas and it was a treat that I looked forward to so much. I suppose it was not the memory of guilt-free eating of ice cream or the taste of the roll itself that got to me. (I don't even remember if it was very good).It was the memory of my dad and a time when I didn't feel life's pressures like I do now ; like I was feeling that day in the store. It reminded me that it really is the little things in life that touch us the most. It might be a stranger complementing your outfit or your husband pouring you coffee or your dad bringing home an ice cream treat.
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